Now a day SIM hosting is the simple way to receive SMS text messages from your clients / customers to your database or server, via connectivity through our SMS gateway. You can host your SIM card or a shared SIM card on one of our GSM servers, so you can receive your SMS. All the SMS messages which is sent to your mobile phone SIM card will be sent to in your account by us, on your cell phone or an URL of your Data Base Server.
How it WorksYour Mobile phone SIM card will serve as a dedicated telephone number of your SMS application. By using this service, you can create unlimited Sub keywords and unlimited keywords of a dedicated long code; you can Courier your SIM card to us. Then we can insert your SIM card in one of our GSM servers, which is linked to our SMS gateway. Then Our SMS Gateway will continue to redirect to all your received SMS messages to by using a specific interface /protocol that matched your needs, such as HTTP, SMS mailing, HTTPS, etc.
SIM hosting is the best way to provide you the cheapest solution for Dedicated Long Code by which you can create unlimited basic keywords. This allows the end user to have an in house Solution for SMS with the privacy and security concerns for there application.