How to map Catalog?
Catalog messages are free-form messages that allow you to showcase your product catalog entirely within WhatsApp.
Catalog messages display a product thumbnail header image of your choice, custom body text, a fixed text header, a fixed text sub-header, and a View catalog button.
Catalog Messages, Multi-Product Messages and Single Product Messages cannot be:
- Sent as notifications. They can only be sent as part of existing conversations.
Steps to create catalog
- Login to business meta suite.
- Go to Business Portfolio Info.
- left side their is a Option Data Sources.
- inside have option Catalogues.

- Catalogue UI show where list of catalogues.
- Click on Add Button.
- select Create a new Catalogue. (new tab will open).

- You have to select Catalogue owner from dropdown.
- Enter Catalogue Name and click on Next

- Connect to event trackingSelect the Meta pixel or app SDK that you want to use to track the products that people interact with on your website or app.
- Enable Tracking on account you want.

- Click on Next.
Set catalogue permissions
- Assign people and partners access to this catalogue. You can view, edit or delete their permissions.
- you can manually enter name and select from click on Assign People button.
- Enable Partial access and Full control to assignee use that catalogue.

- After Assign list of Assignee will show.

- Click on NEXT.
Choose how to upload products to this catalogue
- you can add product item manually or update sheet.
- you can skip this step if do not want to add items.

- for add Item from sheet select Connect to data feed and click on button Connect to data feed.
- you can Use a URL or Google Sheets or Upload from your computer.
- Sheet format should be this
- catalogue_product.csv

- and click on Next.
- changes name you if you want.
- select Currency.

- and click on Upload.
- and want to add items manually select Manually add your products and click on Add Products.
- you can manually add product and set the details.
- and click on Upload Items

- After add items via sheet or manually it will show this screen click on upload button.
- it will redirect to this screen where have complete info. of catalogue

- Click on item where you can see the uploaded item and you can add more items.
- click on Add Items.
- to add items click on Data feed for sheet or manual for add manually

Go to Business Portfolio Info
- click on Account
- select Whatsapp Account
- Select your account and click on Whatsapp Manager

It will redirect to Whatsapp Manager
- Click on Account tool

- Click on Catalogue
- This screen will show where you can connect the catalogue with Mobile Number
- you can connect single Catalogue at a time with the number.

- Click on Choose Catalogue
- select the catalogue you want to connect.
- then click on Connect Catalogue

After connect this screen will show you can disconnect the catalogue and select new catalogue as well.

Now you able to send connected catalogue to user .
Development part
we have API to get the connected catalogue to the number.
- Get Connect catalogue. Request
- GET method
- Content-Type : Application json.
- header : Authorization : Bearer Token : {{Auth Token}}.
- Response
- Id : catalogue Id
- name : catalogue name

"data": [
"id": "842557658037907",
"name": "Catalogue_Food_Products"
- API to get the catalogue items details REUQEST
- {
“data”: [
“category”: “Apparel & Accessories > Clothing”,
“name”: “Blue Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex)”,
“retailer_id”: “0”,
“image_url”: ““,
“currency”: “USD”,
“price”: “$10.00”,
“description”: “A vibrant blue crewneck T-shirt for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.”,
“availability”: “in stock”,
“brand”: “Facebook”,
“fb_product_category”: “Clothing & Accessories > Clothing”,
“retailer_product_group_id”: “product_default_group8425576580379070”,
“url”: ““,
“visibility”: “published”,
“sale_price”: “$10.00”,
“sale_price_end_date”: “2020-05-30T23:59-08:00”,
“sale_price_start_date”: “2020-04-30T09:30-08:00”,
“condition”: “new”,
“size”: “M”,
“pattern”: “stripes”,
“material”: “cotton”,
“id”: “8090125724405598”
“paging”: {
“cursors”: {
“before”: “QVFIUnFwSTloVF9mTWV5VVlqamFTbW84RTY2cS1QVllkS3hDdXZAJWkQtU0k5cWpoM2puM2NTTmloX2RBTXVlR1dmczU4eTN4dlVFYU40QmtVRFA2MVpJanJR”,
“after”: “QVFIUnFwSTloVF9mTWV5VVlqamFTbW84RTY2cS1QVllkS3hDdXZAJWkQtU0k5cWpoM2puM2NTTmloX2RBTXVlR1dmczU4eTN4dlVFYU40QmtVRFA2MVpJanJR”
“next”: “[“category”,”name”,”retailer_id”,”image_url”,”currency”,”price”,”description”,”availability”,”brand”,”fb_product_category”,”retailer_product_group_id”,”url”,”visibility”,”sale_price”,”sale_price_end_date”,”sale_price_start_date”,”condition”,”size”,”short_description”,”product_type”,”pattern”,”material”]&after=QVFIUnFwSTloVF9mTWV5VVlqamFTbW84RTY2cS1QVllkS3hDdXZAJWkQtU0k5cWpoM2puM2NTTmloX2RBTXVlR1dmczU4eTN4dlVFYU40QmtVRFA2MVpJanJR“,
“previous”: “[“category”,”name”,”retailer_id”,”image_url”,”currency”,”price”,”description”,”availability”,”brand”,”fb_product_category”,”retailer_product_group_id”,”url”,”visibility”,”sale_price”,”sale_price_end_date”,”sale_price_start_date”,”condition”,”size”,”short_description”,”product_type”,”pattern”,”material”]&before=QVFIUnFwSTloVF9mTWV5VVlqamFTbW84RTY2cS1QVllkS3hDdXZAJWkQtU0k5cWpoM2puM2NTTmloX2RBTXVlR1dmczU4eTN4dlVFYU40QmtVRFA2MVpJanJR“
“summary”: {
“total_count”: 1
- Send Catalogue
- set Bearer Token in header

"messaging_product": "whatsapp",
"recipient_type": "individual",
"to": "client Number",
"type": "interactive",
"interactive": {
"type": "product",
"body": {
"text": "sample body text"
"footer": {
"text": "footer text"
"action": {
"catalog_id": "catalogueId",
"product_retailer_id": "ratailer Id"