Send MPM Catalogue from WhatsApp Chat

Catalogs are mobile storefronts for e-commerce businesses to showcase and share their products so people can easily browse, discover and select something they would like to buy. Previously, businesses had to send product images one at a time and repeatedly provide information, now customers can see their full catalog right within the WhatsApp chat. It… Continue reading Send MPM Catalogue from WhatsApp Chat

Broadcast MPM Catalogue to customer

WhatsApp’s broadcast lets you send the same message to multiple contacts at once, which is ideal for marketing campaigns and announcements. Users who want to send the same Catalogue template to bulk contact in a single time using csv file or contact list can use broadcast message to send Catalogue template to their customer. Catalogues… Continue reading Broadcast MPM Catalogue to customer

Send Personalise MPM Catalogue Message

A personalise text message or broadcast is an SMS created using customers data: name, email address, date of birth, gender etc for the sake of providing them with messages that feel directly addressed to them. Users who want to add their clients name or other detail in message while sending Catalogue templates can do that… Continue reading Send Personalise MPM Catalogue Message

Create Chatbot to send MPM Catalogue message

A WhatsApp Chatbot is a computer programme that simulates text-based human conversation via the WhatsApp messaging platform. WhatsApp Chatbots can automatically respond to various customer communications, from customer service to sales, and can be integrated via the WhatsApp Business Platform. User can send MPM Catalogue to your customer via chatbot. In MSGCLUB you can create… Continue reading Create Chatbot to send MPM Catalogue message

View and Manage Broadcast Catalogue Template

Multi-product message templates: A tool on WhatsApp Business that allows users to showcase up to 30 products from their ecommerce catalogue in a single message. Customers can browse the products and sections, view details, add items to their cart, and place orders. In broadcast template page you will see all the templates that you have… Continue reading View and Manage Broadcast Catalogue Template

Send SPM Catalogue Template from Personalised Broadcast

A personalise text message or broadcast is an SMS created using customers data: name, email address, date of birth, gender etc for the sake of providing them with messages that feel directly addressed to them. Users who want to add their clients name or other detail in message while sending Catalogue templates can do that… Continue reading Send SPM Catalogue Template from Personalised Broadcast

Send SPM Catalogue Message from Broadcast

WhatsApp’s broadcast lets you send the same message to multiple contacts at once, which is ideal for marketing campaigns and announcements. Users who want to send the same template to bulk contact in a single time using csv file or contact list can use broadcast message to send Catalogue template to their customer. When broadcasting… Continue reading Send SPM Catalogue Message from Broadcast

View and Manage SPM Catalogue Templates

A Single Product Message (SPM) is a type of WhatsApp catalogue message that features a single product from a business’s inventory:  In broadcast template page you will see all the templates that you have created along with SPM catalogue templates. You can search catalogue template that you have created with template name and you can… Continue reading View and Manage SPM Catalogue Templates

Create SPM Catalogue in Broadcast Template

Enterprise can create SPM catalogue from MSGCLUB broadcast template option by create template option in broadcast template and selecting catalogue as a template type and choosing SPM catalogue type.  SPM templates are marketing templates that allow you to present a single product from your connected ecommerce catalogue, accompanied by a product image, product title, and product… Continue reading Create SPM Catalogue in Broadcast Template

How to use Catalogue on Business WhatsApp

We have added a new template type feature named as “Catalogue“ which helps the enterprise to attract the customers towards the product. Using the Catalogue template type feature the enterprise is allowed to create a catalogue template in which the user can add product and description and send the template to their customers via WhatsApp… Continue reading How to use Catalogue on Business WhatsApp

Send WhatsApp Catalogue in Three ways from MSGCLUB

We have added a new template type feature named “Catalogue“ which helps the enterprise to attract the customers towards the product. Using the Catalogue template type feature, the enterprise is allowed to create a catalogue template in which the user can add product and description and send the template to their customers via WhatsApp chat.… Continue reading Send WhatsApp Catalogue in Three ways from MSGCLUB

Create WhatsApp Catalogue

In MSGCLUB, users can create a template that does not need any approval from Meta; this template is known as Chat Templates. After broadcasting a message to the customer, if they give any kind of response, a 24-hour window is opened, and the user can send a chat template to the customer with no need… Continue reading Create WhatsApp Catalogue