WhatsApp Chat is messaging platform that allow its let user to interact with people by sending and receiving messages in real time. It is an easy way to connect with people all over the globe.
In MSGCLUB, we provide businesses with Chat option that works similarly like WhatsApp Chat so that they can interact with their client by simply broadcasting a message to them.
User can send order detail message from simple WhatsApp chat use Chat option in MSGCLUB after customer has selected products from catalogue. The order detail message will display the customer’s product selection along with an interactive “Review and Pay” button, allowing the customer to review their cart and proceed with payment for their orders.
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How it work
Steps – 1. Sign in to MsgClub with your User Name and Password
Steps – 2. Select Verified WhatsApp service from Dashboard
Steps – 3. Select Chat from the left side panel
Steps – 4. On the chat page, select the client to initiate the chat.
Steps – 5. Click on attachment and select broadcast template.
Note – You can only send the chat template when the client responds to you on WhatsApp chat. Once the client responds, a 24-hour window will open during which you can communicate with the client by sending the chat template. Otherwise, you’ll need to send a broadcast template.
Steps – 6. Select Order Detail Template from WhatsApp template popup.
Steps – 7. Select Template from WhatsApp template popup and on selecting a order detail template click on the Use It button .
Steps – 8. Once you have selected template, click on the Send button and your message will be sent to the customer.
Q. What is order detail template?
Ans. Order detail template are a broadcast template type in MSGCLUB that allow user to create and send interactive message templates that extends the call-to-action button to not only review the order but also make payment using online payment modes like UPI.
Q. Can I send order template from chat?
Ans. Yes, you can send order detail template from chat
Q. Can I send order detail template after my client has selected their products from catalogue?
Ans. Yes, you can send order detail template after client has selected their products from catalogue
Q. Can I change template image when I am sending message from chat?
Ans. Yes, you can change any dynamic thing in the message when sending it from chat like images, variables etc.