Create Product Card Carousel Template

A product card carousel can be used to showcase multiple products in a message. Each card can include an image, a short description, and clickable buttons. Businesses can display and sell their product to customers using the product card carousel. Customers can select the item they like and add them to their cart. 

In broadcast template user can create product card carousel where they can display up to 10 cards with image or video and add clickable buttons where you can add static or dynamic URL Link , SPM catalogue buttonĀ 

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How to Create

Select category and template type>>Type template name>>Select language>> Write Message Content>>Add card>>Select card order>> Add buttons>>Select button type>> Type button text

Steps – 1. Sign in to MsgClub with your User Name and Password

Steps – 2. Select Verified WhatsApp service from Dashboard

Steps – 3. Select Template and on clicking that select Broadcast Template from the left side panel

Steps – 4. In Broadcast template select Create Template button

Steps – 5. In the popup select Template from scratch and click on Show button. When you click on this button a page will open with form where you can create your broadcast template with carousel.

Now you need to fill out the form – 

  • Category – Select category from here like Marketing , Utility and Authentication
  • Template Type – Select Product Card Carousel as a template type from here
  • Template Name – Write your Template Name
  • Language – Select Template language
  • Content- Write your template and can add variable in the template

Use text formatting – *bold* , _italic_ & ~strikethrough~
Your message content. Upto 1024 characters are allowed.
e.g. – Sample message for {{1}}, The message is {{2}}.

  • Add card- Select Add card for carousel
  • Card Order- Select Card order
  • Card Button- Add button in product card carousel on clicking select button type like Call to Action button.
  • Call to Action- In Product Card Carousel template, call to action button there are only two button types
    • Visit Website – Add URL link from here
    • SPM- Add SPM catalogue from this button.

 Note – User will be able to see the template that they are creating in the template preview as it will appear to their clients .

When you insert all the required details and click on save button the template will be added and shown on the list of template


Q. What is a product card carousel?

Ans. A product card carousel is a way to display products in a visually appealing and interactive way on a website or in a message

Q. What are product card carousel  templates?

Ans. You can create A product card carousel template to send to your customers product card carousel messages

Q. Can I create product card carousel  templates?

Ans.  yes you can create product card carousel template

Q. Can I send product card carousel templates?

Ans. Yes you can send product card carousel  templates to your customer.

Q. What Is a Card Button?

Ans. A card button in a product card carousel is a clickable element that can be used to set actions for a customer

Q. How many buttons can I add in one card?

Ans. Two buttons can be added in one card

Q. What is the button type?

Ans. There are two button types, Visit Website (URL), and View (SPM catalogue).

Q. What is Category in the broadcast template?

Ans. User can select which type of category best describe their template in order to better segment their template like Promotional Messages, Alert Message, or Informative Messages. In category user also get the option to select template type options.

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