Send SPM Catalogue with Five ways to customer

We have added a new template type feature named “Catalogue“ which helps the enterprise to attract the customers towards the product. After creating SPM Catalogue from Broadcast template user can send their template to their customer using 4 different options from MSGCLUB panel. They can send their templates by broadcasting it to bulk contact or… Continue reading Send SPM Catalogue with Five ways to customer

Why my SMS showing in send/pending status

As you are facing a issue where you sent a campaign – but in the DLR you are getting status like – sent / pending Definition of the status – SENT Pending WhatsApp Hi! 👋 It seems you’re facing an issue where you’ve sent a campaign, but in the DLR (Delivery Report), you’re seeing statuses… Continue reading Why my SMS showing in send/pending status

OTP/Transaction SMS Delivered Late

Introduction When sending SMS messages, timely delivery is crucial for user satisfaction. However, there can be various reasons for delays in SMS delivery. Understanding these reasons can help you optimize your messaging strategy. Reasons for Delayed SMS Delivery Conclusion To ensure timely SMS delivery, consider using the appropriate routes for different types of messages and… Continue reading OTP/Transaction SMS Delivered Late