When interacting with APIs, response codes help us understand the status of our requests. They indicate whether the request was successful, encountered issues, or failed entirely. Here’s how you can check the meaning of any API response code using the SMS panel:
Steps to Check API Response Error Codes
1.Open Your SMS Panel
Log into your SMS panel where you manage API settings.
2. Navigate to Developer API Section
On the left-hand side menu, look for and click on the Developer API section. This will take you to the area where you can configure and troubleshoot API settings.

3. Locate the “Error Codes” Button
Within the API section, locate and click the Error Codes button. This option typically allows users to view definitions and details of various error codes.

4. Review Error Codes and Definitions
A new page will open, displaying a list of error codes along with their corresponding definitions. Review these codes to understand what each one signifies and how to address any issues indicated.

Error Code | Description |
3001* | for Success |
3002* | Invalid URL |
3003* | Invalid User/Password |
3004* | Invalid message Type |
3005* | Invalid Message |
3006* | Invalid Destination |
3007* | Invalid Source |
3008* | Invalid DLR field |
3009* | Authentication failed |
3010* | Internal Error |
3011* | Insufficient Balance |
3012* | Responce Time Out |
3013* | Invalid Request ContentType |
3014* | Missing Mobile Number |
3015* | SMs Content for Approval |
3016* | Missing Required Parameter |
3017* | FAIL |
3018* | Expired Account |
3019* | NullPointer Exception code |
3020* | Empty UserName |
3021* | Empty Password |
3022* | UserName not Available |
3023* | Session Expired |
3024* | Already Exist |
3025* | Empty Group Name |
3026* | Empty Contect Name |
3027* | Empty Mobile Number |
3028* | Empty Group Id |
3029* | Empty City Name |
3030* | Empty Occupation |
3041* | Empty E-Mail Id |
3042* | Group not Exist |
3043* | Empty Message |
3044* | Route Id is Empty or Invalid |
3045* | Empty Sender Id |
3047* | Empty Draft Id |
3048* | Empty First Name |
3049* | Empty Last Name |
3050* | Empty Balance |
3051* | Empty Role Id |
3052* | For User Name Length |
3053* | Empty Expiry Date |
3054* | Invalid Date |
3055* | Empty Client Id |
3056* | Invalid Status |
3057* | Empty Country Name |
3058* | Empty State Name |
3059* | Empty Address |
3060* | Empty Date |
3061* | Access Denied |
3062* | Empty Old Password |
3063* | Password not Maching |
3064* | Empty SMS |
3065* | Empty Amount |
3066* | Empty Address |
3067* | Empty Request Id |
3068* | Empty Group and MobileNo |
3069* | Empty Description |
3070* | Fail to Change RoleId |
3071* | Empty CallerId |
3072* | Empty File URL and Draft |
3073* | Empty Duration |
3074* | Invalid Request |
3075* | Invalid Aoudio file |
3076* | Missing Upload File |
3079* | Date can not be less then current time. |
3081* | Message content And Mobile Number Not Found |
3082* | Mobile number And Message Content Missing |
3083* | contentType should be text or html |
3096* | Your Account Is Disabled Or Blocked |
3097* | Blocked SenderId |
3099* | Contact does not exist in Group |
3110* | Please enter valid group name between 1 to 200 characters. |
3111* | Contact name should consist 1 to 200 characters |
3112* | Enter date (dd/mm/yyyy) should be less than current or equals to date for date of birth |
3113* | Enter date (dd/mm/yyyy) should be less than current or equals to date for anniversary |
3114* | Message time is not in selected route time limit : 00:00:01 TO 12:40:40 |
3116* | You can not create more than 3 users with same mobile no in a day |
3117* | You can not create different user with same mobile no with in 5 minute |
3118* | You can signup only 10 times with same mobile no |
3119* | Invalid Occupation |
3120* | Invalid City Name |
3121* | Invalid groupId or group name (multiple groupId or group name should be valid comma separated value) |
3122* | Invalid SmsContentType should be English for English sms content |
3123* | Invalid SmsContentType should be Unicode for Unicode sms content |
3124* | SenderId is not approved please contact to your administrator |
3125* | SenderId is rejected please contact to your administrator |
3126* | Invalid Address |
3129* | Duplicate SMS request found. Last request was submitted on (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) |
4000* | Draft Does Not Exist For User |
4014* | Invalid Route Id |
5020* | Atleast 1 parameter require to update Detail |