Send SPM Catalogue with Five ways to customer

We have added a new template type feature named “Catalogue“ which helps the enterprise to attract the customers towards the product.

After creating SPM Catalogue from Broadcast template user can send their template to their customer using 4 different options from MSGCLUB panel. They can send their templates by broadcasting it to bulk contact or they can use WhatsApp Chat option to send Catalogue template directly from WhatsApp screen. User can also send SPM Catalogue template with personalise messaging by adding their client details in templates. And they can also use chatbot to create a series step which can be triggered at certain words. Apart from using MSGCLUB panel we have also created API to send SPM Catalogue Templates

Learn more how to send MPM Catalogue

BroadcastSend bulk SMS to your customer of SPM catalogue using MSGCLUB business WhatsApp
Personalise BroadcastUser can send personalised  SPM catalogue template to their customer using  MSGCLUB verified WhatsApp service.
WhatsApp ChatSend Broadcast message to your customer from WhatsApp Chat option in  MSGCLUB
ChatBotCreate a ChatBot and send your customer SPM catalogue
APIUser MSGCLUB API to send your customer SPM catalogue