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Make communication between teachers, parents, students more easy with MsgClub Bulk SMS Services for educational institutes.

Being an educational institution administrator you need to reach out to parents and students with the right information at the right time.With the MsgClub Bulk SMS Services for school/college and university, you can send important information such as exam schedules, parent-teacher meeting invites, emergency alerts, attendance notifications and updates on classroom activities and student's progress. Even you can collect detailed feedback on school programs and initiatives from parents.

Gain the benefits in bulk with MsgClub's Bulk SMS Services for Educational industry

Send vital information

Send vital information

Send bus timing, bus routes, emergency alerts, exam schedules, meetings, attendance notification to parents, students, staff and teachers.
Save paper

Save paper

Send how to create impressive CV, send information about reading the material, send more information in the form of link via Bulk SMS Services and save a huge amount of paper, save the environment.
Promote well in admission season

Promote well in admission season

Run promotional SMS Campaigns to attract right students, send short URLs of your website. Promote courses, universities to grab attention of students.Track click rates in real-time.
Send personalised notifications

Send personalised notifications

Send birthday wishes, attendance alerts, performance report and university acceptance notifications to stay in touch with students and parents.
Send updates

Send updates

Being a teacher or college staff you need to send emergency updates, event or classroom activity delays to students and their parents.You can send them all the information and can stay connected with them.
Announce results and changes in exam schedule

Announce results and changes in exam schedule

You can send the date of results and even marks also. Send URL to the result site where students can check their result. If there is any change in the exam schedule due to any reason then you can inform students. This saves student's time.
Arrange events well

Arrange events well

Send information to alumni, students, guest, teachers, faculties, staff, parents collectively about event, seminar or exhibition.Thus on sending information collectively will help universities, schools, colleges, coachings to arrange events more properly.

Whether you are an adminstrator of a coaching, school, college, university, tuition class you need to inform, promote your institute you can send SMS to students, their parents, staff, other faculties, teachers, alumni in a single click.

Take advantage of Bulk SMS Services for educational sector and enjoy the services.

Send SMS

Send information related to students like attendance, performance, to complain about students, to send student's marks, change in exam schedule, send emergency alerts and Send SMS to parents academics and co-curricular achievements, send bus timing, routes.


Send SMS directly from the school management software, College Management Software, or any other software you use. To inform your students, staff, teachers, faculties, parents. Only you need to integrate our bulk SMS API into your software and start sending SMS directly in seconds.

Send Fee reminders by integrating our Bulk SMS API into your school/college accounting software.


For the voting purpose, you can use SMS campaign to select the head girl/boy or for the election of a president in school/college/university run campaign to promote them. Even students can vote them by our SMS campaigns.

Short URLs

Send SMS along with short URLs of your school and college websites to attract students and to send information related to your educational institute you run.

Miss Call

Ask students to give a miscall to support the social campaign running by the school, college, or universities.

Long Code

Send LongCode to gather the feedback from parents about school initiatives.

Send Wishes

Send wishes information to students, staff, a teacher on their birthday's to greet them.

Use SMS alert System for schools or school SMS software and make your school smart one.Integrate Smart messaging technology into your system and save your time, effort and money with MsgClub bulk SMS Services for educational sector and run your Institute flawlessly.


If you have your mobile application for students, teachers, parents from where you transmit information then make your site more secure by verifying the end user via One-time password. Or to let them access their online school, college or university account then you can send OTP to tighten the security.