Include Body

<Sms> <AUTH_KEY>yourAuthKey</AUTH_KEY> <smsContent>hello how are you</smsContent> <senderId>DEMOOS</senderId> <routeId>2</routeId> <mobileNumbers>9999999999,8888888888</mobileNumbers> <smsContentType>english</smsContentType> <groupName>nid,a,groupA</groupName> <signature>@nkush</signature> <scheduleddate>12/05/2015 12:00</scheduleddate> </Sms>

Sample Output

<output> <response>e835e63a74604bd08f4934800c3e35fa</response> <responseCode>3001</responseCode> </output>

Parameter Name with Description

Parameter Name Data Type Description
AUTH_KEY* Alphanumeric Login Authentication Key(This key is unique for every user)
smsContent * Text Enter your message
senderId* Text Enter senderId it should be less then 6 character
routeId * Integer Which route you want use for sending sms enter routeId for particular route.use given Id for route. 1 = Transactional Route, 2 = Promotional Route, 3 = Trans DND Route, 7 = Transcrub Route, 8 = OTP Route, 9 = Trans Stock Route, 10 = Trans Property Route, 11 = Trans DND Other Route, 12 = TransCrub Stock, 13 = TransCrub Property, 14 = Trans Crub Route.
mobileNumbers * Integer Mobile number can be entered with country code or without country code Multiple mobile no. should be separated by comma
smsContentType * Text "English" for text sms and "Unicode" for Unicode sms
groupName * Text Enter groupName of group that you want to delete
signature Text Signature will be append at the end of sms
scheduleddate Text Sms will send on this time (Note:- Sheduled date should be less than 7 days And Greater than 5 Min from current time)


Output will be request Id which is alphanumeric and contains 24 character like mentioned above. With this request Id, delivery Report can be Viewed. If Request not Sent Sucessfully, you will get the appropriate Error Message.
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