The most important aspect of running any advertising and marketing campaign is finding a way to measure its performance, the results of the campaign.
An American management guru said – “What gets measured gets managed”.
This simply implies that you can manage your Bulk SMS Short Url marketing campaigns if you have measurable results of SMS campaigns with you. MsgClub Click tracking feature helps to provide you the actual facts and figure of your campaigns by tracking clicks and according to the SMS status – delivered, failed, opened, clicked etc.

Personalised Short URL helps you to know the geographical location of the receiver, device, operating system and browser used. Actual time when recipient clicked the URL, open the SMS etc. Get the live reports with the status to make effective campaigns in future.
Basically, if you click our short URL from your android phone then we can open google play store link and if the same short link is clicked by iPhone mobile then we can open apple store, If open from “Mozilla Firefox 18” then open a website which is compatible with Mozilla Firefox 18 browser.
Without measurable results and analysis reports, you risk wasting your efforts, time and money on ineffective campaigns. With campaign analysis reports garb or opt the easy opportunities to maximize the campaigns that do work.
SMS Click Tracking reports and data allows marketers to monitor a campaign’s performance and then make valuable decisions on future text message campaigns. SMS marketing is the most popular and preferred method for reaching customers as it is affordable and reliable.
To measure the effectiveness of your Bulk SMS marketing campaign, you must first decide your campaign’s basic aim or say primary goal. Then via performance analysis report check whether or not that goal is being met.
Click Tracking SMS marketing campaigns contain short URLs that the user can click to follow to a mobile-friendly site for more information or purchase opportunity. This is one of the most powerful ways to determine the great return on investment.
While the tracking clicks technique teaches you a lot about individual customers, they also equip you with useable data about your campaign’s. And you can use this information to reach those less active subscribers waiting for the ideal offer.
Start using MsgClub Short URL Click Tracking SMS Marketing Campaign and make your clients list huge.
To know more details visit our Website Msgclub.