Extend messaging needs with the provided set of our SMS API. We aim to make messaging easy and therefore,we provide our Bulk SMS API functionality so that the user can Send SMS from anywhere and everywhere. Other than this, get our SMS APIs for each and every purpose i.e. text message API, Bulk SMS API, Scheduled SMS API etc.
We provide our users with a wide range of Bulk SMS APIs which in turn help our users to avoid unnecessary coding and struggling. Discover appropriate Bulk SMS API for your need and utilize messaging services to its best.

All your need are answered at a single platform. We provide our users with APIs for each and every aspect of the panel.Integrate distinct API with sample codes as per choice of programming language. You can Send SMS using ASP.net API. Also, you can easily Send Bulk SMS in case of heavy traffic via our ASP.net API. We are providing various SMS ASP.net API to integrate it in your software and increase its functionality.
Send SMS API –
Scheduled Sending API –
http://msg.msgclub.net/rest/services/sendSMS/sendGroupSms?AUTH_KEY=YourAuthKey&message=message&senderId=dddddd&routeId=1&mobileNos=9999999999,9999999999&smsContentType=english&scheduleddate=26/08/2015 17:00 |
Get Balance API –
http://msg.msgclub.net/rest/services/sendSMS/getClientRouteBalance?AUTH_KEY=YourAuthKey&clientId=111 |
Add Balance API –
We too provide Asp.net source code. To know more you can contact us.