In today’s fast-paced world, the WhatsApp channel has become an essential means of communication, especially in the world of business. It’s quick, efficient, and convenient for both the sender and the receiver. However, crafting the perfect business message can be a challenging task, especially if you’re unsure of what to say or how to say it.

Salespeople know how to talk to people, and one of the most important things you need to know when talking to potential customers is what channel to call them on. In the last few years, Verified Whatsapp has become one of the most useful channel for sales teams because having numbers verified will show that the business is real and it builds customer trust. By using Msgclub Personalised sms feature in whatsapp you can make personal connections more personal with customers that help sales team to make long term relationships with customers. Our templates are user-friendly and can be customized to suit the distinctive tone and messaging approach of your brand.
There are four ways to use Personalised SMS in your sales approach
Send effective reminders: Sending personalised SMS is an excellent tool for reminding leads and prospects of future appointments. With the development of digital selling, you may add a video call link in your reminders that prospects can tap to join calls in whatsapp. It’s simple to include the location as a responsive link in your reminder messages for in-person meetings.
Allow for safekeeping: Transactional and support messages can both be sent by personalised whatsapp SMS. You can include URLs as well as other vital details such as order numbers, pricing confirmation, and so on. The fact that your customers have instant access to all of this information in one spot, which makes it straightforward.
Follow up as soon as possible: Salespeople can use personalized SMS to follow up with prospects after they’ve completed an interaction. It enables salesmen to customize their messages. By sending a whatsapp message, you can ensure that your conversation stays on track by sending personalized messages. It allows your sales reps to address any pressing issues without having to wait for a call.
Send timely updates: Moving prospects to sales should be a big aspect of your sales approach. Sending them exclusive offers and product updates with names will show their interest and bring your product offering to their attention. With customised back-in-stock notifications, personalised whatsapp sms can be utilised to recover sales and near-misses with customised back-in-stock notifications with customised back-in-stock notifications.
Best practices for writing sales personalised whatsapp sms templates
If you prefer to write your own sales massages, then keep these best practices in mind:
Be personal: As we mentioned, personalised SMS stands for ‘personal’ by nature, so you should use your first name when addressing someone.
Timing is key: Send personalised messages are instant and we encourage you to send back and forth with prospects, but you want to be able to decide how many messages to send and when to send them.
Tips for sending effective personalised messages
When you’re ready to use personalised messages for your sales follow-ups, you need to make sure you’re providing a great customer experience, no matter which stage of the sales cycle your clients are in. This way, you can keep your message open rates high. Here are some tips to help you send better personalised message:
Get consent before texting: Ensure leads or customers opt in to receive messages from your team before sending the first message. You can gain consent through a digital form in your whatsapp or in person via a physical document.
Personalize your texts: Reach out to your clients on a personal level and in a way that speaks directly to their needs, and you’re more likely to see higher response rates and more link clicks.
Keep it short: Nobody wants a long message, especially not from sales people. Keep every SMS conversation with your clients to a minimum. If you have to explain something or answer a question in detail, ask your client if they’d be willing to jump on a quick phone call to talk about it.
We’ve put together a comprehensive list of personalized message templates that cover a wide range of business scenarios, including appointment reminders, customer follow-ups, sales promotions, and much more. Whether you’re a small business owner, a sales professional, or a marketer, you’ll find a template that suits your needs and helps you communicate more effectively with your clients and team.
Limited-time offer:
Hi [name]. This is [company]. Sign up for [product/service] by [date] for a limited-time rate.
Birthday offer:
It’s your birthday, [name]! Celebrate with [X%] off your next purchase at [company] Redeem at checkout online or in stores using code: [code]
Sale promotion:
Hey, [name], don’t forget to check out [company’s] holiday sale. You can get [X%] discount on all items through [date].
Restock message:
Hello, [name]! We are excited to announce that [product] is now available again due to high demand. Don’t miss out, get yours today at [link].
Lead follow up:
Hello, my name is [name] and I am [company] salesperson. I am calling to follow up on your question. Would you be available for a short call today?
Thank you message:
Hi [name]. Thank you so much for your purchase from [company]. We hope you’re happy with your order.
Payment reminders and confirmations:
Hi, [name]. Your payment of [amount] to [company] was successful. Thank you!
Hi [name]. You still haven’t added a credit card to your account. Add it before [date] to ensure your [service] stays up and running!
FAQ page:
Hi [name]. Thanks for reaching out to [company]. You’re in the queue, but while you wait check our FAQ page: [link]
Dear [name], we would like to remind you that your upcoming shift is scheduled for [date] at [time]. Kindly inform us upon your arrival.
Follow up on positive feedback:
Hi [name], we’re glad you had a good experience with [company]. Can you tell us why you gave us such a high rating?
Personalised SMS is a very useful feature for the sales team because the team has to make leads and engage with potential customers. Msgclub personalised whatsapp sms feature will help the sales team for better conversion with customers. So why are you waiting for contact us for more details on 8359000164 or