Msgclub Tally Integration able to Send the SMS For List of Voucher Type

MsgClub Tally Integration Voucher List.

You can able To Send the Given Kind Of SMS

  1. Single SMS
  2. Birthday Anniversary SMS
  3. Cash / Bank Info SMS
  4. Custom Group SMS
  5. Group OS (Receivable)
  6. Ledger OS
  7. Voucher Type
  8. Day Book
  9. Group Outstandings

You can able To Send the SMS For List Of Voucher Type :

  1. Contra
  2. Credit note
  3. Debit Note
  4. Delivery Note
  5. Job Work in Order
  6. Job Work Out Order
  7. Journal
  8. Material In
  9. Material Out
  10. Memorandum
  11. Payment
  12. Physical Stock
  13. Purchase
  14. Purchase Order
  15. Receipt
  16. Receipt Note
  17. Rejections In
  18. Rejections Out
  19. Reversing Journal
  20. Sales
  21. Sales Order
  22. Stock Journal

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