After the DLT registration process, template approval, approve Sender ID from operator But Still you are facing problems when sent SMS are failed and shows “ Content Mismatch in the template ”, “ template was rejected”? Don’t worry MSGCLUB “Your Messagings Buddy ” is here to assist you.

In this process the user is facing challenges like Content Mismatch in the template, template was rejected, Link which is sent has no brand name. In that situation, Msgclub has an option to solve the challenges faced by users while Dlt. We have seen that users are facing dlt problems like failed sms, error to send sms, time consuming, etc. Don’t worry your problem will be solved in this article. Lets begin
How to Use Msgclub Smart Send SMS without fail?
Msgclub provides the new feature in text messages that is smart send sms feature in that users can send sms without facing the failed sms in a single click. Firstly get approval of a template with one variable from the operator. Then the system will automatically set the link of your smart page. A smart page comes with your complete branding like company name, company logo, contact number, email address, social media account and more. We assure you that your messages will be shared with every individual without any hassle. Here the steps to send smart sms:
Step:1 Sign up in Msgclub Panel.
Step:2 Select the Text SMS option
Step:3 Click on Smart send SMS
Step:4 Select the SMS Format (transactional, promotional, otp, etc)
Step:5 Write sender ID.
(For sender ID users have to take approval from the operator. After approval then user can write ID in this step)
Step:6 Write number or you can choose CSV Files.
Step:7 Choose a template.
(Template should be approved by operator)
Step:8 There is an option of adding variables below the description. Users can add variables and can edit the variable. Below the variable you can see how much you use the character in the variable. To write a variable there is a limit that is 30 Characters. (This will help user to know how much to write in the description)
Step:9 Click on Send or Msgclub also provides one more option that is Schedule your message. It means the user can send SMS after some time.
And in the platform we set a limit for variables like 30 characters so that if a user writes want more then it will not be written so that it will not fail your sms. It will save your time.
Benefits of using Smart Send SMS feature
1. Cost Saving: Smart Send sms feature will save you money by setting a limit on variables.
2. Time Efficiency: When contacting your target audience, you can save a lot of time by using msgclub Smart send SMS Feature , users can share sms in a single click.
3. Wide Reach: Whether you’re sending alerts, updates, promotions, or notifications, you can make sure that a lot of people see your communications at once. Businesses and organizations trying to reach out to a wide consumer base geographically or quickly distribute time-sensitive information will find this to be especially helpful.
Difference between Send SMS and Smart send sms?
Send SMS means Send messages to the number of people in a just click But this is the solution for those who want to send the same messages in bulk via broadcast. In this section the majority of users don’t change the variables. And In send sms feature this not limitations for variable character.
Msgclub comes with the solution for your business problems with in-built features in service. “Smart Send SMS” which helps to solve your business problems. Smart Send SMS helps to send templates without mismatch.So, you just need to approve the Sender ID & Template which configuration will be done by your provider. Next you have to select the customers to whom you have sent SMS. Afterwards you already have an approved content template which is not editable, only the variables you can change that are also countable up to 30 characters.You can use 30 characters which are shown on
the side of the Variable box. So, there is no chance of mismatched templates in the “Smart Send SMS” Features.
We understand the concern and issues so we as Msgclub help people (Every One) as we provide the best solution to your problems. We believe in maintaining transparency and in maintaining the privacy of your data.
“Msgclub Smart Send SMS” is the best feature for your business to avoid mistakes. It is helpful for businesses to save money as well as time. “Msgclub Smart Send SMS” is user friendly and easy to understand. Msgclub offers this feature to your business which is in-built in the service. There are no extra charges for this feature.So, Why are you waiting? Do you want to try these features? Connect with Our team or signup for Demo